Type: Chapter

Developing early-maturing and stress-resistant potato varieties


Prashant G. Kawar

Directorate of Floricultural Research, India

Hemant B. Kardile


S. Raja


Som Dutt


Raj Kumar

ICAR - Central Potato Research Institute

P. Manivel

ICAR - Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research


Publication date:

08 August 2018

ID: 9781786763709

E-Chapter format

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Asian countries with a cereal-based cropping system face a tremendous food security challenge to feed their 4.3 billion people. Potato, being a complete food, can be a valid alternative. This chapter describes the selection of germplasm and traits for breeding early-maturing varieties of potato, exploring genetic aspects of earliness and breeding strategy. The chapter looks at early tuber initiation, high dry matter partitioning efficiency and basic factors that need to be taken into account when breeding for earliness in the potato. The chapter suggests breeding strategies for earliness and stress resistance and considers the genetic aspects. The chapter incorporates a detailed case study of developing an early-maturing, moderately late-blight-resistant Kufri Khyati potato variety for Indian plains. Finally, the chapter looks ahead to future research trends in this area.

Table of contents

1 Introduction 2 Selecting germplasm and traits for breeding early-maturing varieties 3 Genetic aspects of earliness and breeding strategy 4 Early tuber initiation 5 High dry matter partitioning efficiency 6 Basic factors in breeding for earliness in the potato 7 Breeding strategies for earliness and stress resistance 8 Genetic aspects 9 Case study: developing an early-maturing, moderately late-blight-resistant Kufri Khyati potato variety for Indian plains 10 Future trends and conclusion 11 Acknowledgments 12 Where to look for further information 13 References