Type: Chapter

Vertical farming systems for urban agriculture

Author Dickson Despommier

Columbia University

Publication date:

17 February 2020

ID: 9781786766397

E-Chapter format

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Judging by the rapid growth of the vertical farm industry over recent years, vertical farming is projected to become a common feature of the built environment on a global scale within the next 10–20 years. This chapter describes and evaluates technologies and methods for growing edible plants indoors and presents a survey of selected commercial vertical farms currently operating that employ them. The chapter also focuses on advanced technologies that have led to the current state of progress in the vertical farming sector of urban agriculture, starting with two growing strategies that have become widely adopted for the indoor production of edible plants: hydroponics and aeroponics. A third hybrid method, aquaponics, which incorporates fish production into the hydroponic growing scheme, is likewise described. Lighting and nutrient management in vertical farms are also covered. The chapter concludes with discussions on both the challenges and future of vertical farming.

Table of contents

1 Introduction 2 The vertical farm: from inception to reality 3 Vertical farm technologies 4 Indoor lighting for growing crops in a controlled environment 5 Nutrients for hydroponics and aeroponics 6 Challenges 7 Future trends 8 Where to look for further information 9 References