Type: Chapter

Sensory evaluation of cows milk

Author Stephanie Clark

Iowa State University

Publication date:

30 September 2016

ID: 9781838791377

E-Chapter format

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Despite advances in dairy technology, milk is still a highly perishable product with a limited shelf life. Mistakes in milk handling between cow and consumer can lead to milk quality defects and shorter shelf life. Understanding where such mistakes can occur, how to recognize off-flavors, and how to remedy quality deviations can mean the difference between retaining and losing customers. This chapter discusses the sensory evaluation of milk. We review the processes involved in the sensory evaluation of milk products, discuss the different categories and causes of off-flavours in milk, and show how sensory evaluations can be used to determine the shelf life of milk products. We also review how staff can be trained to perform sensory evaluations, and methods for preventing the flavour defects discussed.

Table of contents

1 Introduction
2 Milk evaluation processes
3 Off-flavors in milk: categories, causes and remedies
4 Sensory shelf life testing
5 Conclusion
6 Where to look for further information
7 References