Type: Chapter

Nematode pests of cocoa

Author Samuel Orisajo

Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN)

Publication date:

08 August 2018

ID: 9781838793623

E-Chapter format

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Plant-parasitic nematodes cause cocoa yield losses, a sudden death of trees and retardation of seedling growth in nurseries. This chapter explains the hidden nature and the masking effects of these nematodes and how these have led to erroneous control measures. The chapter describes the nematode pests associated with cocoa and the symptoms of damage. It also addresses several available control options and outlines how nematode management is essential in order to reduce crop losses and to ensure self-sufficiency for food and industrial raw materials. The chapter finally looks ahead to future research in this area and provides additional reading for those interested in researching further.

Table of contents

1 Introduction 2 Hidden nature of plant-parasitic nematodes 3 Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with cacao 4 Disease complexes 5 Management of plant-parasitic nematodes of cacao 6 Future trends and conclusion 7 Where to look for further information 8 References