Type: Chapter

Modelling agroforestry systems


Paul Burgess Anil Graves

Cranfield University

Silvestre García de Jalón

Basque Centre for Climate Change

João Palma

MV Agroecology Research Centre, Portugal

Christian Dupraz


Meine van Noordwijk

World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

Publication date:

08 May 2019

ID: 9781838797768

E-Chapter format

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An agroforestry system is an interconnecting network of woody vegetation with crops and/or animals that work together. This chapter sets out to discuss how to model such systems, which can be highly complex in nature. In the first section, the authors look at the current state of agroforestry modelling, going on to describe two European agroforestry projects that involved modelling, the Silvoarable Agroforestry For Europe (SAFE) project and the AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development (AGFORWARD) project. Looking towards the future, the final section considers current agroforestry modelling needs and potential trends. The authors stress that it is important to note that agroforestry models have a role beyond just agroforestry. Other points for consideration must also include the accessibility of agroforestry models, the benefits of long-term support, the need to know when to stop model development, the availability of data and societal assessments.

Table of contents

1 Introduction 2 Current state of agroforestry modelling 3 Example of how agroforestry modelling can enhance sustainability 4 Current agroforestry modelling needs and potential trends 5 Acknowledgements 6 Where to look for further information 7 References