Type: Chapter

Moving up the scale: challenges in tropical agroforestry

Author John Lynam

Independent Consultant

Publication date:

03 June 2019

ID: 9781838797904

E-Chapter format

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From its early beginnings, agroforestry has moved from a ‘technology in search of a problem’ to a principal solution to critical global agendas, including climate-smart agriculture, agroecological intensification, land rehabilitation and payment for ecosystem services. This chapter addresses the challenges associated with agroforestry in agroecological intensification and sustainable landscapes. The chapter considers the challenge of developing policies in support of agroforestry, and the challenge of developing agroforestry at scale. Finally, the chapter looks ahead to future research trends in this area.

Table of contents

1 Introduction 2 The challenge of agroforestry in agroecological intensification 3 The challenge of agroforestry in sustainable landscapes 4 The challenge of policy in support of agroforestry 5 The challenge of developing agroforestry at scale 6 Future trends and conclusion 7 Where to look for further information 8 References