Type: Book

Improving standards and certification in agri-food supply chains Ensuring safety, sustainability and social responsibility


Dr Louise Manning is Professor of Sustainable Agri-food Systems at the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology at the University of Lincoln, UK. With over 30 years of experience in both industry and research, and over 125 peer-reviewed publications, Professor Manning is internationally-renowned for both her research and consultancy work on food safety and quality, agri-food systems, food integrity and crime. She is an Associate Editor for the British Food Journal and is a member of the Board of Trustees for Rothamsted Research. Professor Manning has previously edited Developing smart agri-food supply chains: Using technology to improve safety and quality, published by Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing in 2021.



Publication date:

24 September 2024

Length of book:

500 pages

ISBN-13: 9781801464512

Hardback - £160.00
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There is increasing scrutiny of the safety, environmental and social impact of food production by both consumers and governments. However, ensuring safe, sustainable and socially responsible agricultural production is crucially reliant on farmers and others complying with an increasingly complex range of standards and certification schemes.

Improving standards and certification in agri-food supply chains: Ensuring safety, sustainability and social responsibility provides an authoritative overview of the range of standards used to maintain and improve quality, environmental and ethical standards in agri-food supply chains. The book considers the role of good agricultural practices (GAPs), as well as key organisations, such as the Sustainable Agriculture Network, LEAF and the Rainforest Alliance, in ensuring high standards.

In its extensive review of agri-food supply chains, the book showcases how crucial complying with standards and schemes is to ensuring safe, sustainable and socially responsible agricultural production.

Table of contents

Part 1 Setting standards

  • 1.The international context: the role of Codex Alimentarius in setting safety and quality standards for global agri-food supply chains: Amanda Hielm, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Italy
  • 2.The role of governments in driving sustainability standards : Louise Manning, Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology, University of Lincoln, UK
  • 3.The role and range of voluntary standards and certification systems governing sustainable agricultural practices: Gregory Sampson, International Trade Centre (ITC), Switzerland
  • 4.The role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in improving safety, quality and sustainability standards in agri-food supply chains: Pilar Pampin, LEAF, UK

Part 2 The expanding scope of agri-food chain standards

  • 5.Voluntary ethical trading and social responsibility standards and certification for agriculture: an overview : Anne Tallontire, University of Leeds, UK
  • 6.Carbon farming, regenerative agriculture and environmental sustainability: practices and standards: Louise Manning, Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology, University of Lincoln, UK
  • 7.Biodiversity and Nature credit markets: opportunities and challenges for landowners and land managers: Jo Treweek, Treweek Environmental Consultants, UK
  • 8.The role of standards in improving the sustainability of livestock production: Evelien de Olde, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
  • 9.Developing good agricultural practice (GAP) standards across global agri-food supply chains: Louise Manning, Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology, University of Lincoln, UK
  • 10.Defining sustainable agricultural principles and practices: the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN): Mona McCord, Technical and Development Director - Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN), USA
  • 11.Fulfilling the promise of sustainability certification: reflections from the Rainforest Alliance: Deanna Newsom, Evaluation and Research Team - Rainforest Alliance, USA
  • 12.The role of certification and verification schemes in sustainable forest management (SFM): Anna Thorning, Mid Sweden University, Sweden

Part 3 Measuring compliance and improving performance

  • 13.The developing role of technology in ensuring safety, quality and sustainability in agri-food supply chains: guaranteeing greater traceability and transparency: Louise Manning, Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology, University of Lincoln, UK
  • 14.Measuring and improving good agricultural practices (GAP) related to safety of fresh produce: the case of controlled environment agriculture: James Monaghan, Harper Adams University, UK
  • 15.Measuring on-farm carbon footprints/greenhouse gas emissions: Matthias Kuhnert, University of Aberdeen, UK
  • 16.Conclusions: Louise Manning, Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology, University of Lincoln, UK