Type: Book

Achieving sustainable greenhouse cultivation


Professor Marcelis is Head of the Horticulture and Product Physiology Group at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. The Group is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading university centres of expertise on greenhouse cultivation and vertical farming. Professor Marcelis is an internationally-recognised authority on the use of light in greenhouse and other protected systems to optimise crop production.

Dr Heuvelink is Associate Professor in the Horticulture and Product Physiology Group at Wageningen University and is well known for his work on crop physiology and modelling. Both have published widely on greenhouse cultivation.



Publication date:

10 September 2019

Length of book:

538 pages

ISBN-13: 9781786762801

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This collection provides a comprehensive review of key advances in greenhouse and other forms of protected and controlled environment cultivation.

Chapters discuss developments in types of production systems: greenhouses, net houses, aquaponic and vertical farming systems. A particular focus is on ways of controlling the aerial environment, including lighting and atmosphere control, and on optimising root development, including growing media, irrigation and nutrient management. Chapters also summarise advances in systems monitoring and management, including the use of sensors, decision support systems and robotics to optimise efficiency.

What others are saying...

"This much anticipated publication, ‘Achieving sustainable greenhouse cultivation’, will be highly valued by the international protected cropping industry. The subjects explored reflect the modern face of sustainable horticultural production and the book is a key example of the necessary collaboration between the knowledge makers and the knowledge users. It will prove to be a highly beneficial reference for industry and a great example of the publisher’s aim of ‘delivering knowledge for the global scientific community’."
Dr Graeme Smith (CPAg), Graeme Smith Consulting, Australia; Chairman ISHS Working Group – Hydroponics & Aquaponics; Vice Chair ISHS Division – Protected Cultivation and Soilless Culture; Life Member - Protected Cropping Australia; Life Member - Hydroponic Farmers Federation

Table of contents

1.Achieving sustainable greenhouse production: present status, recent advances and future developments: Leo F. M. Marcelis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; Joaquim Miguel Costa, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; and Ep Heuvelink, Wageningen University, The Netherlands;

Part 1 Production systems
2.Advances in greenhouse design: Juan I. Montero, formerly Institut de Recerca i Tecnología Agroalimentaries, Spain; and Yi Zhang, Qichang Yang and Xinglin Ke, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, China;
3.Advances in screenhouse design and practice for protected cultivation: Josef Tanny, Agricultural Research Organization – Volcani Center, Israel;
4.Sustainable systems for integrated fish and vegetable production: new perspectives on aquaponics: B. W. Alsanius and S. Khalil, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden; A. Tadesse, Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia; A. K. Rosberg, K. J. Bergstrand, R. Hartmann, L. Mogren, M. Alam, M. Grudén and T. Naznin, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden; and A. Getahun, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia;
5.Advances in organic greenhouse cultivation: Martine Dorais, Université Laval, Canada;
6.Towards sustainable plant factories with artificial lighting (PFALs): from greenhouses to vertical farms: Toyoki Kozai, Japan Plant Factory Association, Japan; Yumiko Amagai, Chiba University, Japan; and Eri Hayashi, Japan Plant Factory Association, Japan;

Part 2 Crop management
7.Understanding crop responses to controlled climates in greenhouses: Chieri Kubota, The Ohio State University, USA;
8.Developments in growing substrates for greenhouse cultivation: Youbin Zheng, University of Guelph, Canada;
9.Advances in irrigation management in greenhouse cultivation: Stefania De Pascale, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Luca Incrocci, University of Pisa, Italy; Daniele Massa, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Italy; Youssef Rouphael, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; and Alberto Pardossi, University of Pisa, Italy;
10.Advances in nutrient management in greenhouse cultivation: Neil S. Mattson, Cornell University, USA; and Christopher J. Currey, Iowa State University, USA;
11.Advances in pest and disease management in greenhouse cultivation: Gerben J. Messelink and H. Marjolein Kruidhof, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands;

Part 3 System management
12.Automation and robotics in greenhouses: E. J. van Henten, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands;
13.Models, sensors and decision support systems in greenhouse cultivation: Oliver Körner, Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), Germany;
14.Assessing the impact of environmental factors on the quality of greenhouse produce: Nazim Gruda, University of Bonn, Germany;
15.Sustainable use of energy in greenhouses: S. Hemming, J. C. Bakker, J. B. Campen and F. L. K. Kempkes, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands;
16.Assessing the environmental impact of greenhouse cultivation: Assumpció Antón, Erica Montemayor and Nancy Peña, Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), Spain;