Type: Book

Biopesticides for sustainable agriculture


Professor Nick Birch is a former Senior Research Entomologist at the internationally-renowned James Hutton Research Institute, UK. He has been involved in a range of EU and other international IPM research, is Visiting Professor at the University of Idaho (USA) and an Honorary Professor at the Natural Resources Institute – University of Greenwich (UK). He has written widely on such topics as the role of on-farm biodiversity in promoting pest predators in IPM.

Professor Travis Glare is CEO of Lincoln Agritech Ltd. and Professor of Applied Entomology at Lincoln University, New Zealand. He has an international reputation and has published widely in the field of entomopathogenic microbes and use of biopesticides. He has worked on a range of international projects to develop novel biopesticides.



Publication date:

24 March 2020

Length of book:

366 pages

ISBN-13: 9781786763563

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"This book provides a decent overview of recent advances in biopesticides and other biological options for insect management with an easy-to-follow format and content…a good resource for students, educators, researchers, regulators, agricultural partners and IPM implementors interested in sustainable agriculture."
(Society for Invertebrate Pathology Newsletter)

With increasing concern about the environmental impact of synthetic pesticide use, including their impact on beneficial insects, the problem of insect resistance and the lack of new products, there has been an increasing interest in developing alternative biopesticides to control insects and other pests. This collection reviews the wealth of research on identifying, developing, assessing and improving the growing range of biopesticides.

Part 1 of this collection reviews research on developing new biopesticides in such areas as screening new compounds, ways of assessing effectiveness in the field and improving regulatory approval processes. Part 2 summarises advances in different types of entomopathogenic biopesticide including entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes and the use of Bt genes in insect-resistant crops. Part 3 assesses the use of semiochemicals such as pheromones and allelochemicals, peptide-based and other natural substance-based biopesticides.

What others are saying...

“There is a strong need to review the latest advances in the science and application of biopesticides. With its excellent lineup of authors, this book will inform and inspire researchers, product developers, registration specialists and IPM experts in institutes as well as industry to develop innovative crop protection tools for the new agriculture that society needs.“
(Dr Willem Ravensberg, Corporate Senior Regulatory and Government Affairs Manager – Koppert Biological Systems; past-President of the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA)

Table of contents

Part 1 General
1.Improving methods for developing new microbial biopesticides: Susan M. Boyetchko, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada;
2.Implementing biopesticides as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) programme : József Kiss, Szent István University, Hungary; and Marc Delos, Académie d’Agriculture de France, France;
3.Improving regulatory approval processes for biopesticides and other new biological technologies in agriculture: Wyn Grant, University of Warwick, UK; and Roma Gwynn, Biorationale, UK ;

Part 2 Microbial biopesticides, entomopathogenic nematodes and mites
4.Advances in the use of entomopathogenic fungi as biopesticides in suppressing crop pests: Enrique Quesada-Moraga, Meelad Yousef-Naef and Inmaculada Garrido-Jurado, University of Cordóba, Spain;
5.Advances in the use of entomopathogenic bacteria/microbial control agents (MCAs) as biopesticides in suppressing crop insect pests: Tejas Rao and Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes, University of Tennessee, USA;
6.Advances in the use of Bt genes in insect-resistant crops: Salvatore Arpaia, ENEA Research Centre Trisaia-Rotondella (MT), Italy;
7.Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPBs) as biocontrol agents against invertebrate pests: Luca Ruiu, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy;
8.Advances in the use of entomopathogenic viruses as biopesticides in suppressing crop insect pests: Martin Erlandson, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada;
9.Advances in the use of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) as biopesticides in suppressing crop insect pests: Albrecht M. Koppenhöfer, Rutgers University, USA; David I. Shapiro-Ilan, USDA-ARS, USA; and Ivan Hiltpold, University of Delaware, USA;
10.Advances in the use of entomopathogenic oomycetes as biopesticides in suppressing crop insect pests: Aurélien Tartar, Nova Southeastern University, USA;

Part 3 Natural substance-based biopesticides
11.Advances in the use of semiochemicals in integrated pest management: pheromones: Gadi V. P. Reddy, USDA-ARS, Southern Insect Management Research Unit, USA; Anamika Sharma, Montana State University, USA; and Angel Guerrero, Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia-CSIC, Spain;
12.Possible use of allelochemicals in integrated pest management (IPM): Toby Bruce, Keele University, UK;
13.Peptides as novel biopesticides: Lin Bao, Robert M. Kennedy, Kyle Schneider, Alvar Carlson and Andy Renz, Vestaron Corporation, USA;
14.Development of plant-derived compounds as biopesticides: Barbara Thuerig and Lucius Tamm, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland;